Sunday, January 5, 2014

Are You Stuck In the Waiting Game?

It’s like waiting at the bus stop, tapping your foot, glancing annoyingly at first then anxiously after awhile at your watch.

We’ve read the timetable and according to the program our man…err… I mean bus should be here to take us on a fabulous journey that we’ve planned for in our head, life and schedule!
I’m sure we’ve all had moments when we feel like we’ve missed the “man bus” and are just sitting there hoping and waiting for it to turn up sooner rather than later, it can be a little disheartening and we can even start to feel like our entire future happiness depends on him arriving.
So what do we do whilst playing the waiting game?


Well here’s 3 Quick Points to get you on the right track :

Get Busy

Since when should life be done waiting on the side lines until your hero charges in?! Get up and start refocusing on what YOU want and start creating the future that you desire. Start new goals and finish old ones, take up a hobby or set yourself a new challenge to accomplish. Yes you have a desire to share your life with someone and in no way does that make you needy but you can’t let life just pass you by waiting for that dream to be for filled.
Waiting for a man to complete your happiness or existence is like eating a Big Mac and expecting it to make you skinner; it’s an unrealistic expectation that only ends in disappointment (dammit!) Get excited about your life so much so that when your man waltzes into it you have to check your diary to see if you have time for him in between Pilaties, coffee with the girls, dancing, writing a book and curing cancer!


Get Proactive and Practical

Alas whilst we may be able to have our groceries delivered to our front door it doesn’t work the same for husbands (hmm I have been meaning to look into mail order grooms!) So it makes sense to start creating your own opportunities to meet someone.
Thanks to technology trying to find a date has never been more convenient, so if you aren’t a social butterfly or time poor then why not try online dating or dating apps? They aren’t as scary as they seem and once you weed through the masses you’ll find there are some great perspectives just waiting to meet you.
If online isn’t your game then get back to basics, ask your friends if they know of someone, join a local community group or a gym,  maybe even try speed dating…whatever takes your fancy just don’t sit there on your couch twiddling your thumbs expecting him to knock on the door with flowers in tow.


Get Realistic

You aren’t going to die alone with 72 cats and eaten by Alsatians …so relax and stop labelling yourself and your future just because you are in this season of singleness. It’s time to start changing your words and mindset to one that’s positive and affirming of your dreams.
It doesn’t mean you have to start burning your bra and chanting in front of your mirror or walking on hot coals, but it does help to start taking control of your emotions, mindset and words. The thing is there is a time for everything and meeting someone, falling in love and then getting married is a progression that will just happen naturally with the right person without you trying to force it.
So walk away from the bus stop and continue doing what you do best , I guarantee once you start focusing on what makes you happy and whole, you won’t be getting on any bus, you’ll be getting picked up in a Ferrari (figuratively speaking of course)! =)

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