Sunday, January 5, 2014

Give Yourself THIS for the Holidays (It’s Beautiful and Free)

You’re deep in the perfect storm of Merry Mania, and everybody expects you to look fabulous, fizz with energy and laughter, and enjoy perfect inner and outer harmony for at least another week.

Shopping insanity, horrible traffic, worse food choices, crazy people (including relatives), ridiculous expectations…
It’s enough to make you take your stack of romance novels and a bag of powdered donuts and hide in the nearest storm cellar until it’s all over, including the clean-up. (Especially the clean-up.)
But what if there was a way to build yourself an inner storm cellar (complete with a lush, peaceful inner garden) that not only made you able to withstand the sheer insanity of the holidays, but also helped you feel calmer, happier, and more in control of your life than ever before?
What if it even caused you to be a quietly flowing river of serenity that others could feel and take comfort in, too? Now THAT would be a gift.
And the best part is that you don’t have to wait for someone else to give you this gift, and it won’t show up on next month’s bank statement, either. It’s right here and waiting for you to accept it…


Take three deep breaths. Inhale peace, and exhale tension. Open your heart to receiving love. (The universe has been waiting joyfully for you to open this gift!)

Now. Slowly let yourself take in the calming, centering mantras below…

1. The universe is working on my behalf, pouring a never-ending stream of beauty and peace into me. I don’t need to create, manipulate, or hoard the world’s refreshment. It pools within me, nourishes and grows what is good within me, and flows gently out to replenish others.
2. I don’t need to figure out or understand what everyone else is thinking and feeling. Peace comes when I release my desire to control everything outside of me.
3. The biggest battles I face are all internal. They have nothing to do with the people or events around me. And I am strong enough to meet those challenges, and gently, patiently loosen the knots and tangles within. I am entirely in charge of myself.
4. No fear or worry is bigger or more powerful than I am. I choose to act out of love, rather than let the fears and mistakes of my past drive me. My heart smiles.
5. I don’t have to be perfect. My life is messy. My life is beautiful.
Stay strong and steady, friend. You deserve all the love the world has to give you.

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